Friday 21st June 2024
Key Information
- Volunteers wanted – Please get in touch if you are able to help out at the summer fair on 29th June. We are looking for people to help run stalls and set up. The more volunteers we have the more fun we will all have.
- Warmer weather – As the weather is finally getting warmer please be mindful of sending your children to school with sun hats and suncream where appropriate. Please note that we are not allowed to apply suncream children (including Nursery), so please apply this before they attend.
- No Dogs on the Plaza – Please remember that dogs are not allowed on the school plaza. This is in line with Government Policy and for the safety and wellbeing of our children.
- Saturday 29th June 12-4pm – Summer Fayre
- Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd July (evening) – Year 5 and 6 Performance of ‘Oliver’
- Thursday 4th July – Move up Morning
- Tuesday 9th July – Year 6 Trip to West Midlands Safari Park
- Wednesday 10th July (morning) – Sports Day
- Wednesday 10th July @ 6.30pm – Music Concert
- Thursday 18th July @ 9am – Year 6 Leavers Service at Church
- Friday 19th July – Start of the Summer Holidays!!
Stars of the Week
Reception Lewis and Romy | |
Year 1 Whole Class | |
Year 2 Eliza and Rosie | |
Year 3 Alistair and Finley | |
Year 4 Ewan and Hugo | |
Year 5 Aggie and Lara | |
Year 6 Harry P and Luke | |
Mrs Harrison’s Star of the Week Reuben (Year 1) |
Our cricketers have been very busy lately. Last week, year 4 put in a sterling performance at Hereford Cricket Centre.
On Tuesday, our year 5/6 team played a tournament at Eastnor and came a very respectable third.
Today, they regrouped to attend the Hereford Dynamo Tournament. Their awesome teamwork in the field resulted in them winning all of their group matches to get through to the knock out rounds. A strong bowling performance saw them take several wickets and make a lot of brilliant catches, with their unstoppable batting bringing home the victory in the final. We can’t wait to see how they perform in the final round of the tournament next week.

Snap Shot of the Week
It has been all about the fire engines and diggers in Nursery. We have been exploring text about fire fighting and how diggers work. Did you know that an Earth Mover is the biggest vehicle in the digger class? We have also got a lot of budding vets, who have taken care of our soft animals this week. You may find that you hear some different verses of ‘The Wheels on the Bus’ as children in Nursery have been adapting it.
The Nest

Year 1
This week, Year 1 have been expressing different feelings through colour. They experimented with watercolours and discussed how each colour represented a different feeling. Look at our artwork.Â
Snapshot of the Week

Snap Shot of the Week
This week in year 4, we created our own mini food sculptures using clay. The children have spent the last couple of weeks researching artists who create food models and planning their own designs. It was brilliant to see the variety of choices and we can’t wait to get painting next week!
Year 4

Year 5
Another great week with year 5! We have been developing our knowledge on fractions. This time we were finding fractions of amounts!
Snapshot of the Week

Up coming Events