Friday 24th January 2025
Key Information
- Egg boxes – KS1 are looking for donations of ‘half dozen’ egg boxes. Please bring donations to the school office – thank you.
- School Dinners – The menus for the first half of the Spring Term are available to book on MCAS. Please book all meals by midnight on Wednesday for the following week. You can book all meals for the first half term if you wish to. If you miss the deadline for booking, please send your child in with a packed lunch for that week – thank you.
- Forest School – We are looking for donations of empty clean juice cartons, empty clean yogurt pots, clear plastic bottles of any size, egg boxes, kitchen roll insides, wood off cuts and sticks of any size. Please bring donations to the school office, thank you!
- Nursery/Wrens – If you have any school spares of pants/socks/trousers borrowed from Wrens or Nursery, please can you return these, or if you have any of these items that your children have out grown and you would be happy to donate, please bring them in to reception.
- Thursday 13th February – Wrens – Grandparents’ Tea Party
- Tuesday 25th February 2025 – Wren Class Mastering Number Parent Project Workshop 9am
- Wednesday 26th February – Year 1 Mastering Number Parent Project Workshop 9am
- Thursday 27th February – Year 2 Mastering Number Parent Project Workshop 9am
- Week Commencing – 3rd March – No after school clubs this week. Nightingales running as normal.
- Week Commencing 12th May 2025 – KS2 SATS week
This week’s Stars of the Week
Reception Archie and Jack | |
Year 1 Sophie and Lewis | |
Year 2 Molly and Ava | |
Year 3 Fin and Edie | |
Year 4 Soren and Fen | |
Year 5 Sola and Jow | |
Year 6 Ned and Elspeth | |
Mrs Harrison’s Star of the Week: Monty Campbell-Baldwin | |
OPAL Rosie (Yr5), Hugo (Yr2) Flora (Yr2) |
Snap Shot of the Week
In PSHE and Science this week we have been learning about the importance of eating healthy foods. In groups, the children were tasked with creating a feast for a healthy giant using items they could find around school to represent different foods! Using their understanding of nutrition and what foods should be included on our plates to help us stay fit and healthy, they created their healthy eating plate, showing how much of each food group should make up our plates.
Year 2

Snap Shot of the Week
Year 4 this week have been exploring still life art. We have taken inspiration from a range of artists and looked at their techniques of drawing a range of objects and identifying their shadows. Mrs Luce demonstrated to the class her fantastic art skills of drawing vegetables. The children then picked their fruit or vegetable for their art project and started sketching.
Year 4

Snap Shot of the Week
Year 6 have been making artwork of Amazon animals. They used the grid method to enlarge the pictures from A4 to A3. Then they transferred these to cardboard and used collage to add details. Don’t they look amazing?
Year 6

Snap Shot of the Week
Year 6 had a very special invite from Colwall Orchard Group to the Wassail last week. Wassailling is an old tradition or waking the trees up from their winter slumber. It was lovely to see some year 6 families enjoying the festivities. We hope this will mean a bountiful year of apples. Waes hael!

Parent Information

WildPlay, Herefordshire Wildlife Trust, programme for under 12 will have been delivering activities for children for 23 years this year, which is amazing. We are currently surveying families to ask how their children play, and what they want from WildPlay so we can target our funding to meet this need. If you could spare 5 minutes to complete this quick survey, we would be very grateful.
Thank you