Friday 5th July 2024
Key Information
- Warmer weather – As the weather is finally getting warmer please be mindful of sending your children to school with sun hats and suncream where appropriate. Please note that we are not allowed to apply suncream to children (including Nursery), so please apply this before they attend.
- No Dogs on the Plaza – Please remember that dogs are not allowed on the school plaza. This is in line with Government Policy and for the safety and wellbeing of our children.
- Tuesday 9th July – Year 6 Trip to West Midlands Safari Park
- Wednesday 10th July (9am-12pm) – Sports Day
- Wednesday 10th July @ 6.30pm – Music Concert
- Thursday 18th July @ 9am – Year 6 Leavers Service at Church
- Friday 19th July – Start of the Summer Holidays!!
Stars of the Week
Reception Whole Class | |
Year 1 Kian and Jack | |
Year 2 Ruby and Seb | |
Year 3 Daisy N and Soren | |
Year 4 Bradley and Thea | |
Year 5 Ned and Everyone | |
Year 6 Everyone | |
Mrs Harrison’s Star of the Week Clem |
Snap shot of the week.
The Nest
This week has all been about the boats. We have made tug boats and sail boats. We have role-played being on boats out in the sea and on the river. Some have seen polar bears and lions others have seen crocodiles and one person saw a chair that he wanted to stare at. We have had pirate snack on treasure island and been dancing pirates.
The Nest

Snap Shot of the Week
On Monday, Wrens had a fabulous time visiting The Elms School Farm. Mr Smedley taught us lots about different farm animals, including goats, sheep, pigs, cows, chickens and horses. We even collected some warm, fresh eggs. A wonderful time was had by all and we may have inspired some future farmers.

Year 2
Marvellous Maths
In Year 2, we used lots of different scales and beakers to measure different amounts.
We had lots of fun exploring and measuring!
Snapshot of the Week

Snap Shot of the Week
Year 4 have had lots of fun creating their own food sculptures out of clay. The finished products are looking good enough to eat, the children have put in lots of hard work to this project by creating a few design ideas, refining their final design, creating the clay model and adding paint to bring everything to life! Our art lessons have been thoroughly enjoyed by all!’Â
Year 4

Year 5/6 Production
WOW!! Year 5 & 6 blew us away with their phenomenal performances of ‘Oliver!’ this week. We are so proud of them all.
Big thank you to all the people who helped this production including The Courtyard Hereford for costumes, Colwall Players for lighting, Our Star Theatre Company and JMHS for sound and all our amazing parents!

Snap Shot of the Week
Thank you to everyone who attended our Summer Fayre. It was a fabulous day and we raised lots of funds for the school. A special thank you to Friends who organised such a special day for us all to enjoy.
Summer Fayre

Up coming Events

One of our lovely mum’s has illustrated this awesome children’s book in collaboration with RNLI. Please help spread the word.