Friday 15th March 2024
Key Information
- Forest School – We are looking for volunteers to help us with Forest School. If you think you might be able to help, please get in touch.
- If anyone has spare seeds or compost that they would like to find a new home for, we would be very grateful for it.
- Easter Service – We will be having our Easter Service at the Church on Thursday 21st March. Please drop children off at the church at 8.50am, we will be walking the children back to school. Parents/Carers are welcome to stay to enjoy the service.
- Parents Evening – Parent evening booking form will be sent out after Easter
- Boom Reader – We are launching our new online reading diaries. Please look out for more information in the letter coming home with your child today.
- Monday 18th March @2.30pm- Year 2 Open Afternoon
- Monday 18th March 2.30pm – Year 5 Open Afternoon
- Tuesday 19th March 2.30pm – Year 6 Open Afternoon
- Tuesday 19th March 2pm – Year 3/4 Play
- Tuesday 19th March @ 2.30pm – Wrens Easter Crafts (Parents invited)
- Wednesday 20th March 9.15am and 6pm – Year 3/4 Play
- Wednesday 20th March – Year 6 Malvern Theatre trip
- Thursday 21st March – Easter Service at the Church
- Friday 22nd March – Last day before Easter Holidays
- Monday 8th April – Back to school
- Tuesday 16th April – 3.30-6pm – Parents Evening
- Thursday 18th April – 4.30 – 7pm – Parents Evening
Stars of the Week
Reception | Lirry and Oliver |
Year 1 | Reuben and Jack |
Year 2 | Noah and Alba |
Year 3 | Soren and Daisy |
Year 4 | Rosie and Oliver B |
Year 5 | Lincoln and Lara |
Year 6 | Harry M and Harvey B |
Mrs Harrison’s Star of the Week | Olive (Year 1) and Miss Morris |
This week’s attendance award goes to: Year 3 (99.13%)
The Nest
We have started our first week of dinosaurs and we have pained, collaged and coloured our own dinosaurs. Did you know that birds are related to dinosaurs and you can find dinosaur bones in rocks! We have also been counting the dinosaurs in Nursery of which so far we have found five.
Snap Shot of the Week

Snap Shot of the Week

Year 1
Year 1 have had so much fun making fruit salads this week. They all were involved with chopping but more importantly eating! The children enjoyed eating a variety of fruits!
Snapshot of the week
This term’s DT has been based on The Eurekus Nasa Rover’s project, designing and building our own Rover inspired by Curiosity, Spirit and Perseverance. We have incoroprated moving mechanisms in our models – wheels and levers. This week for Science week, we have looked into improving our school’s ecosystem. We’ve been thinking about how we can encourage insects and wildlife into the school grounds!
Year 5


Worcester Festival
Well done to our winners at the Worcester Music Festival last Saturday. Lia won 3 classes – Classical Vocal Solo Grade 4-5, Unaccompanied Folk Song Grade4-5 and String solo Grade 1-3 (accompanied by Libby in the latter!) Tilly won the Unaccompanied Folk Song Grade1-3.
Art Competition
Our talent was recognised at the Malvern St James Art Exhibition. It was a great event, giving the children lots of opportunity to display their work and appreciate the work of others. Of particular note, our talented artists Sam and Tilly were Highly Commended in their classes. As was the collaborative work by Wrens in the Group class.

World Book Day!
We have absolutely loved seeing the unusual places you have all been reading in. Here are some of the fantastic pictures that have been sent in.
Snap Shot of the Week

Up coming Events