Friday 4th October 2024

Key Information

  • Arrival time – Please remember that the school gates now close in the morning at 8.45am. Children arriving after this time must be accompanied to the school office to sign in.
  • My First Five Years at School – Please see below a link to a National App that enables you to explore and understand your child’s development in their first 5 years of life.
  • School Lunches – Please book in School Lunches by midnight on Wednesday the week before on MCAS. Anyone who does not order by this deadline will have to provide their child with pack lunches, as the extra administrative work in booking and keeping track of late orders is very time consuming.
  • Nursery Lunches – We shall continue to use the link sent to you via email.
  • Car Park – Please ensure that you drive carefully in the Village Hall Car Park. The speed limit is 5 miles per hour. There have also been some reports of people not reversing into spaces when they park, please ensure that you do this so that it is safer pulling out forwards when you leave. It is everyone’s responsibility to keep our children and their families safe. Thank you for your support.


  • Tuesday 8th October – Open day for any new families interested in joining the school
  • Wednesday 9th October – Wrens visit St James the Great church
  • Friday 11th October – Wear Yellow for Young Minds
  • Monday 14th October – Flu Vaccinations
  • Thursday 17th October – Harvest Festival
  • Wednesday 23rd October – Festival of Stories – Years 1&2
  • Thursday 24th October – Festival of Stories – Years 3&4
  • Friday 25th October – School closed for Staff Training Day
  • Thursday 7th November – School photographs for anyone who was absent last time
  • Wednesday 20th November – Deadline for Shoe Boxes

This week’s Stars of the Week

Reception George and Florence
Year 1 Morgan & Cleo
Year 2 Olive & Ralph
Year 3 Zach & Eva
Year 4 Kunashe & Mia
Year 5 Hugo & Ewan
Year 6 Lia & Matthew
Mrs Harrison’s Star of the Week:
Morgan (Yr 1)

Christian Values

Each week we we focus on a different Christian Value. On Monday, we read the story ‘Gigantic’ about a little whale who shows bravery and courage to save his big brother. We have been looking out for children who have shown the values of Courage and Trust this week. Well done to all of those children who have been recognised.

Snap Shot of the Week

Wrens had a wonderful autumnal walk to Colwall Orchard this week to pick and press apples for juice. We picked  a red apple and a green apple each, worked very hard to chop them up in the scratter and used our strength to turn the wheel of the press. The juice was delicious! We are very grateful for our orchard volunteers who help to make our learning experiences so amazing. 


Snap Shot of the Week

In PE this week, Year 2 have been practicing different types of throws in Netball. They worked brilliantly in teams during the chest pass drills, which focused on various aspects of netball, including developing our passing and footwork!

Snap Shot of the Week

In RE this term, Year 4 have been exploring the baptism of Jesus. We started by reading a Bible extract detailing the event, then looked at pieces of artwork depicting the baptism, thinking about how God the Son, God the Father and God the Holy Spirit is represented in each one. This week, we created our own pieces of artwork showing what we have learnt so far.

Year 4

Friday 11th October

In order to support World Mental Health Day and fundraise for the Young Minds charity, we are holding a ‘Wear Yellow Day’ on Friday 11th October.

Please send your child to school wearing something yellow and a donation (suggested £1) for the charity.

Healthy Hub

Please look at our Healthy Hub document for links to different websites supporting Mental Health and Well-being.

Parent Courses

Up coming Events

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