Our Curriculum

At Colwall, we design our curriculum to not only meet the requirements of the National Curriculum, but also to inspire our children through an enquiry approach to learning. 

Every lesson is designed around an enquiry question, something which the children will be supported to explore, challenge and investigate throughout the session until they reach an answer or response. Our School Vision of ‘Sparking Curiosity, Unleashing Potential’ forms the foundations of our approach to the curriculum, teaching and learning at Colwall. We aim to motivate and inspire learners, engage them in their learning and support or challenge them as they deepen their understanding. 

Every class has a Maths and an English lesson a day, alongside some shorter key skills sessions for areas such as arithmetic, grammar, spelling or handwriting. Our afternoon sessions consist of the foundation subjects, some which are taught through cross-curricular Topic lessons and some which are taught as stand alone subjects. 

The Topics which we cover are mainly History or Geography focus topics, with cross-curricular links made with subjects such as Science, Design and Technology, Music, Art etc where appropriate and effective. 

All classes have 2 hours of Physical Education each week, which are taught by Sports coaches or the children’s normal class teacher. We also have a session of Forest School or Eco School for every class. 

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

The EYFS applies to children from birth until the end of their Reception Year. It focuses on the key principles:

  • A Unique Child
  • Positive Relationships
  • Enabling Environments
  • Learning and Development
There are three Prime areas of learning:
  • 1. Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)
  • 2. Communication and Language (CL)
  • 3. Physical Development,
And four Specific areas of learning:
  • 1. Literacy (L),
  • 2. Mathematics (M),
  • 3. Understanding the World (UW)
  • 4. Expressive Arts & Design (EAD).

The National Curriculum  

Every state-funded school must follow the National Curriculum which is a set of subjects and standards used by primary and secondary schools so children learn the same things. It covers what subjects are taught and the standards children should reach in each subject.

Every school must offer a balanced curriculum which:  

  • promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society
  • prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life

The National Curriculum for five to 11 year olds is made up of blocks of years, known as key stages:

  • Infant children (Year 1 and Year 2) are known as Key Stage 1.
  • Junior children (Years 3 to 6) are known as Key Stage 2.

Formal assessment takes place at the end of each Key Stage (Years 2 and 6). A phonics screening check takes place in Year 1.

In addition, schools are advised to teach personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) and citizenship, together with at least one modern foreign language.

Please click on the individual subjects for more information, or contact the school office and we can put you in touch with the subject leader. 

I’ve always had a love of stories and I believe strongly that all children deserve the opportunity to explore ways of communicating their experiences, thoughts and understanding through writing in many guises. I want every child to love what they read and feel the need to write and enjoy the process because every child deserves for their voice to be heard in this world. 

Mr Paynter 

I’ve always had a love of stories and I believe strongly that all children deserve the opportunity to explore ways of communicating their experiences, thoughts and understanding through writing in many guises. I want every child to love what they read and feel the need to write and enjoy the process because every child deserves for their voice to be heard in this world. 

Mr Paynter